Recommendations on Open Science and Innovation


Recommendations by the ERAC Standing Working Group on Open Science and Innovation (SWG OSI) in open science and innovation of 18 December 2018.

In the spirit shared by all Member States on the need to pursue a national and European policy towards an open science system, according to the Council Conclusions on the transition towards an Open Science system adopted on 27 May 2016 (9526/16) , the Standing Working Group on Open Science and Innovation recommends ERAC to:

1. Consider ‘immediate FAIR and open’ the default for all research output.
2. Promote and protect open science within the European copyright legal framework.
3. Develop and advocate an understanding of innovation between Member States that is built on open science.
4. Develop end user skills for better appropriation of knowledge deriving from research.
5. Foster involvement of citizens in science.
6. Adjust assessment, reward, and evaluation systems.
7. Foster open peer review as the default legitimate approach for scientific validation.
8. Require that infrastructures, processes and workflows underpinning the European research system adhere to and adopt open standards.
9. Facilitate full transparency for terms and conditions of subscription agreements and open access deals.