ERA Forum
The Council Conclusions on the future governance of the ERA of 26 November 2021 recognise the role of the ERA Forum as the body responsible for enhancing coordination towards the effective implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda, supporting the Commission and the Member States in the delivery of the ERA Actions. The ERA Forum is organised as a Commission expert group to which Member States and EFTA/EEA countries send representatives. The ERA Forum also involves stakeholder representatives in its work. The main tasks of the ERA Forum are the following:
- co-design and coordinate, between the Commission and the Member States, the preparation of Commission’s initiatives with regard to future updates of the ERA Policy Agenda, and discuss alignment with other policies;
- co-design and coordinate the implementation of the ERA Actions between the Commission, the Member States and, on a case-by-case basis, Associated Countries, stakeholders, as well as relevant third countries;
- analyse the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda through the ERA Scoreboard and the information provided through the ERA Policy Platform, and contribute to the Commission’s work in preparing a report to the Council;
- act as a facilitator for the preparation of additional candidate ERA Actions in variable geometry, with support from the Union where appropriate, as well as for the exchange of best practices on national ERA policies and measures.