22 Oct 2024
ERA Monitoring
02 Sep 2024
EC launches Call for Evidence on ERA
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The Pact for R&I recommends the implementation of an enhanced ERA Monitoring Mechanism, to ensure a proper basis for evidence‑informed policy making in the ERA and to support and facilitate the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda at both European and national levels. According to the Pact, the ERA Monitoring Mechanism should encompass the following elements:
- an ERA Scoreboard, which monitors progress towards the ERA objectives at Union level. The ERA Scoreboard should be updated regularly and should assess the overall consolidation and collective progress of ERA priorities. It should only display aggregated data at Union level.
- a more detailed ERA Dashboard monitoring progress towards the ERA objectives at national level, through a rich combination of relevant input, outcome and impact indicators and qualitative analyses that accommodate the different circumstances of Member States and that relate to the ERA priorities.
- regular policy dialogues between the Member States and the Commission – both bilaterally and multilaterally – to actively assess and guide the implementation of the ERA policy agenda, in particular through the sharing of best practices and mutual learning exercises. The Commission will provide further support through the Horizon Policy Support Facility and the Technical Support Instrument.
- an ERA policy online platform, where the Member States and the Commission should share information on their current and planned policies and programmes that contribute to implementing the ERA Policy Agenda.
- a review of the implementation of the ERA policy agenda by the Commission taking place every 18 months, including a report for consideration by the Council on the state of play of its implementation in view of steering the ongoing ERA Policy Agenda
- an annual report provided by the Commission to each Member State on its progress, in support of the regular policy dialogues between Member States and the Commission.