FP6 ERA-NET Impact Assessment
In the year 2007 the European Commission commissioned a study aiming at evaluating the impact of the ERA-NET scheme in FP6. The basis of the study were 71 ERA-NET coordination actions launched under the 6th Framework Programme. The study focused on five overarching questions:
• To which extent, and how, did FP6 ERA-NET participation have an effect on the landscape of publicly funded national/regional research programmes in certain targeted EU countries?
• To which extent did FP6 ERA-NETs have a structuring effect in certain targeted research fields that ERA-NETs addressed?
• Which direct benefits and indirect benefits have been generated through
the ERA-NET scheme in FP6, and how can the impacts be measured for both types of benefits?
• Have FP6 ERA-NETs helped to mutually open up national programmes in
ERA? If yes, to what extent, and what is needed to assure that this result becomes a durable lasting effect within ERA?
• What are the lessons learned for all possible stakeholders, and where can
these lessons be traced?
Please find below a Summary of the Impact Assessment Study and the complete final report in 4 volumes.