High Level Group on Joint Programming (GPC)


The GPC (Groupe de haut niveau pour la Programmation Conjointe) was founded as a dedicated configuration of the European Research Area Committee (ERAC). It was given the tasks to identify and substantiate a limited number of Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) themes, and to develop guidelines on framework conditions for Joint Programming.

The GPC has successfully initiated and accompanied the setting up of ten Joint Programming Initiatives and has delivered “Voluntary Guidelines on Framework Conditions for Joint Programming”. Among the main tasks of the GPC are the monitoring of JPIs, the improvement of the framework conditions for Joint Programming and the promotion of the alignment of research and innovation funding at national and European level.

The GPC is currently chaired (acting) by Ms Petra ZAGAR (SI).

Please find more information on current initiatives in the directory "Joint Programming"


Ms Ingeborg SCHACHNER-NEDHERER Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research http://www.bmbwf.gv.at
Ms Brigitte WEISS Federal Ministry of Climate Action https://www.bmk.gv.at/en.html
(Substitute) Thomas ZERGOI Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) http://www.ffg.at