Task Force of Long Term Strategies of Joint Programming Initiatives
The 10 JPIs have all developed Long-Term-Strategy reports (LTS), in cooperation with the GPC working group on the Future of Joint Programming and have presented them at the GPC plenary June 6th; 2017. These reports present a strong narrative of strategic planning and subsequent joint tackling of societal challenges.
The submission of the LTS by the 10 JPIs and the obvious wealth of information presented in these led the GPC to launch a task-force (TF) to conduct an analysis of the whole set of LTS. This analysis is not an evaluation of the JPIs as such, but an analysis of the LTS-reports and is meant to enable the JPIs to take a step forward with regard to their activities and their presentation. The basis of the work of the TF were solely the LTS-documents of the JPIs. The mandate of the TF was to identify good practices and challenges as well as cross-cutting issues and communalities in the LTS of the JPIs and to draw conclusions.