Knowledge Valorisation
20 Sep 2024
ERA Policy Agenda Action 7 aims at upgrading EU guidance for a better knowledge valorisation, with the following expected outcomes:
- Develop and endorse Guiding Principles for knowledge valorisation;
- Development of a Code of Practice for smart use of IP together with stakeholders;
- Development of a Code of Practice for researchers on standardisation.
The R&I landscape has profoundly changed since the 2008 Commission Recommendation on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities. An update is needed that moves from the traditional concept of knowledge transfer to valorisation of knowledge assets, generated by different types of actors in a dynamic R&I ecosystem. New challenges have to be addressed like the increasingly complex knowledge value-chains, new market opportunities created by emerging technologies, new forms of industry-academia collaborations and involvement of citizens, as well as reciprocity in the management of intellectual assets in international R&I cooperation context.
The aim of the update is to achieve a common line on measures and policy instruments for improving knowledge sharing and valorisation in Europe. Guiding Principles for knowledge valorisation will constitute a political commitment co-designed with and endorsed by Member States. The objective of the Guiding Principles is to respond to the needs and feedbacks of knowledge valorisation actors and to provide a legal reference to stimulate knowledge circulation and valorisation in Europe. They will also help to address knowledge valorisation gaps across Member States and ensure that widening countries can better benefit from R&I results. The Guiding Principles for knowledge valorisation is proposed to be adopted as a Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation.
The Guiding Principles will be complemented by Codes of Practice to provide guidance for R&I practitioners on how to implement certain elements of knowledge valorisation. The Codes will be co-created with stakeholders. The Code of Practice for smart use of IP will provide guidance to R&I stakeholders via recommendations and practical examples on how to handle intellectual property related challenges in the current R&I ecosystem, including in the international context, as announced in the Global Approach Communication. This activity will support the European Industrial Strategy (2020 & update 2021) and the EU IP Action Plan.
The Code of Practice for researchers on standardisation will describe the use of standards as a knowledge valorisation channel. It will provide practical guidance on how beneficiaries of public R&I programmes can best identify opportunities and techniques to valorise their projects results through standardisation. The code will be co-created with wide range of stakeholders, based on consensual patterns of good practices.
Codes of Practice covering other important areas of knowledge valorisation will be considered in the future to support the implementation of the Guiding Principles. The Guiding Principles for knowledge valorisation and the related Codes of Practice will be non-binding recommendations. They will respect EU, national and local legislation.
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