Tackling gender bias in research evaluation: Recommendations for action
This Policy Brief on gender bias in research evaluation was written by the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation.
Studies reveal the persistence of implicit gender bias in research evaluation. This is a serious problem given the increasing importance of competitive funding, particularly in the early career stages. The failure to tackle gender bias jeopardises policy efforts to advance gender equality and retain women in research. National authorities in cooperation with Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) play a crucial role. Several Member States and European RFOs as well as the European Commission have taken important strides to eliminate gender bias in their procedures and policies, and serve as positive examples for action. ERA National Action Plans and Strategies (NAPS) rarely address the topic. Based on an exchange at its second meeting, the Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation presents recommendations for national authorities and RFOs on gender bias, to move forward on ERA Priority 4 Gender equality and gender mainstreaming.