Evaluation of the implementation of HORIZON 2020, EUREKA, COSME, EEN and ERA in Austria


Background and objectives

In 2013, the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency), the Department for European and International Programmes (FFG-EIP), was commissioned by the Republic of Austria and the Austrian Economic Chambers to support the implementation of HORIZON 2020 and ERA for the period 2014-2020. The primary aim of this measure is to foster the participation of Austrian RTI (research, technology and innovation) participants in the European framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020 (H2020) and in multilateral initiatives. With respect to supporting Austrian RTI participants, the EIP builds on the skills and collective experience of previous assignments. The FFG-EIP is also the officially nominated national contact point (NCP) of the European Commission for the framework programme and all initiatives and programmes in connection with H2020, referred to as the transnational or multinational initiatives of the European Research Area. In 2014, the FFG was also entrusted with monitoring Austria’s involvement in HORIZON 2020 and ERA. Moreover, with other partners the FFG is also responsible for providing support services for EUREKA, COSME and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

In order to fulfil the overarching objectives of the assignment, the FFG-EIP is pursuing four key objectives, which take account of the results-oriented action framework as national contact point for H2020:

Objective 1: Support successful participation by means of information and advice

Objective 2: System-orientated support of Austrian RTI organisations

Objective 3: Expert partner for European RTI programmes and ERA developments

Objective 4: Analysis and RTI policy support

Keeping these goals in mind, the aim of this evaluation is to undertake a systematic general overview of the implementation of H2020 and ERA, as well as EUREKA, COSME and EEN in Austria.

The following meta questions formed the basis of the various individual questions in the evaluation:

1. General evaluation of the implementation: Are the orientation and implementation of available formats and support services - within the allocated budget - suitable and appropriately implemented in order to achieve the desired effects of measures regarding output as efficiently and effectively as possible?

2. Evaluation of specific services: With respect to observable and anticipated developments in the RTI domain (including RTI policy), where are support service formats adequate and where should improvements be made?

3. Action required and options for action: Where are any white spots encountered or where should new and better approaches and tools be established? According to which principles should these essentially be designed?