Seconded National Expert - ESF Plus Expert (EMPL-B-4)

European Commission
Place of employment
Brussels, Belgium
Application deadline
18 Sep 2024


The unit performs labour market intelligence, monitors and assesses reforms and policy developments related to employment, social affairs and skills in Germany, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia. It prepares the employment, skills and social dimentios of country-specific documents for these countries under the European Semester to strengthen the evidence base for the developments and monitoring of EU legislation and for the Europeean Semester. The unit ensures, in close cooperation with Member State and stakeholders (such as the social partners, civil society, etc…), the efficient and effective programming and implementation of the European Social Fund Plus (2021-2027) including the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD). It coordinates these funds with other European funding streams, including the European Regional Development fund (ERDF) and the Recovery and Resilience (RRF), which it contributes to asses and monitor. The unit also ensures the effective application of relevant cohesion policy Regulations by cooperating with Commission services, regiona/national authorities, the European institutions, and in particular the European Court of Auditors.

The selected SNE will support the development and implementation of ESF plus programmes in Germany in the context of the EU's Cohesion Policy and in partnership with the Member State. The SNE will work under the supervision of an administrator. Without prejudice to the principle of loyal cooperation between the national/regional and European administrations, the SNE will not work on individual cases with implications with files he/she would have had to deal with in his/her national administration in the two years preceding its entry into the Commission, or directly adjacent cases. In no case he/she shall represent the Commission in order to make commitments, financial or otherwise, or to negotiate on behalf of the Commission. The selected SNE will also be involved in performing labour market intelligence, monitoring and assessing reforms and policy developments related to employment, social affairs, and skills in Germany. Other tasks can be discussed reflecting the interests of the selected SNE and that of the unit.

The Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU points out that ONLY applications submitted by the Permanent Representation will be considered. Interested parties are therefore requested to send application documents (Europass CV, letter of motivation and declaration of approval of the employer) in English by September, 18, 2024 by email to

Only the “Europass CV” form should be used to create the CV. Applicants must state the exact name of the position for which they are applying (e.g. JRC-B-5) in all documents submitted.

For more detailed information on the job profile, requirements and selection procedure, please refer to the detailed vacancy notice below.

Reference: EMPL-B-4