Seconded National Expert - Country Desk RI Officer (RTD-A-1)

European Commission
Place of employment
Brussels, Belgium
Application deadline
18 Feb 2025


Unit A1 supports EU Member States and associated countries in strengthening their research and innovation systems and capacities and enhancing their performance. It seeks to improve the quantity, quality and impact of national public R&I policy and investment, through reforms in support of the broader European objectives, and push the transformation towards sustainable competitiveness for the benefit of all.

To this end, the unit coordinates the work on the R&I dimension of the European Semester and monitors the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plans. Through evidence-based policy dialogue and continuous outreach, the unit acts as an interface between EU, national and subnational R&I systems. In particular, the unit leads on the design of R&I measures to advance Europe as a whole, monitors its implementation and strengthens the R&I dimension of the Cohesion Policy, setting the conditions and enabling better synergies between the two programmes.

We offer an exciting position in a dynamic and friendly team to work on important files on top of the EU agenda. The Expert will act as the country desk for one or more EU Member State/s and in that respect gather intelligence on R&I policy developments in this/ese Member States and establish an open and collaborative relation to support the improvements of their R&I systems, also through the Enhanced dialogue. He/she will monitor and analyse the R&I policies and performance of the country in question, including in the context of the yearly European Semester cycle and of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. He/she will also contribute to the launching and implementation of activities of the Policy Support Facility and to strengthening the R&I dimension of the use of Cohesion Policy funding in the country in question and enhance synergies between the two programmes. He/she will also contribute to horizontal work in the Unit.

The Expert will need to engage in close contacts with other Commission services (in particular SG, DG ECFIN, DG REGIO, DG GROW), with national and/or regional authorities, and also research institutions, universities and enterprises. He/she will also need to participate in working groups and conferences and prepare speeches and briefings for the hierarchy.

The Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU points out that ONLY applications submitted by the Permanent Representation will be considered. Interested parties are therefore requested to send application documents (Europass CV, letter of motivation and declaration of approval of the employer) in English by February, 18, 2025 by email to

Only the “Europass CV” form should be used to create the CV. Applicants must state the exact name of the position for which they are applying (e.g. JRC-B-5) in all documents submitted.

For more detailed information on the job profile, requirements and selection procedure, please refer to the detailed vacancy notice below.

Reference: RTD-A-1