Open! Public conference

24 Sep 2018
24 Sep 2018
Brussels, Belgium

A Science|Business conference on making research and innovation open to all

In its €94.1 billion Horizon Europe proposal, the European Commission has made clear its intention to push the European R&D world towards a more open method of working.  Open science, open access and the open science cloud services will make research more efficient, it says. Open innovation will make industry more productive. And if it hopes to lead global technology markets, Europe’s science and innovation programmes must be open to international partners.

That’s the theory. But how realistic is it? What needs to be done, to realise this vision?

This open, webcast conference will take stock of progress to date, and discuss the steps ahead.

  • Keynote and Q&A: How to take the open internet to the next level
  • Open science: How far have we come, how far can we go?
  • Open Innovation: New models for creating and scaling up technology companies
  • Open to the world: How to make Horizon Europe more international?