Conference on Innovation Procurement

17 Oct 2017
18 Oct 2017
Kosmos IMAX, Pärnu maantee 45, 10119 Tallinn, Estonia
Estonian Presidency

Innovation Procurement is a tool for the public sector to acquire need-based, innovative and effective solutions. During this process, the contracting authority sets up a specific task for the tenderer, based on the nature of the problem, and not limited to the selection of existing products or services.

The two-day conference on innovation procurement will be a platform for the exchange of best practices of both the tenderers and the contracting authorities in acquiring innovative, need-based solutions. Additionally, it will feature discussions on how to direct contracting authorities to use public funds in a smarter way, and on the opportunities for encouraging innovation procurement in the member states of the EU.

The event will host procurers, tenderers (entrepreneurs) and policy makers.