The group’s updated mandate includes the following main activities:
- monitor the implementation of the activities and initiatives included in the ERA Roadmap National action plans with respect to Priority 3 (open labour market for researchers)
- strengthen mutual learning activities through information exchange, identification of best practices and, where appropriate, the use of peer-reviews;
- define and use appropriate indicators for monitoring progress, both at national and Community levels;
- develop common guidelines where they can reinforce a consistent implementation of actions of common interest or inspire new or improved actions;
- contribute to the definition of Community actions within the ERA Framework;
- liaise with other relevant groups and stakeholders to make better use of existing initiatives, such as the EURAXESS portal and network of support centres by strengthening links with the national Bridgehead Organisations and to ensure effective coordination with activities of the People Specific Programme;
- with the aim of supporting the coherent development of policies and measures at national level along the IU commitments, the ERA Framework and the priority lines of action proposed in the Communication “Better careers and more mobility; a European Partnership for Researchers” and of enhancing complementarities and synergies between national and Community actions;
- promote the dissemination and communication of their activities, reports and actions