ERA Council Empfehlung: "Österreichs FTI in Europa: Ein neues Kapitel"


Against the background of an upcoming new government in Austria, a new European Commission and a new European Parliament, the ERA Council underlines the opportunities Europe has to offer for Austria. As Austria has set itself the goal of advancing towards the Innovation Leaders in Europe, and in the light of decreasing economic dynamics in Europe, the ERA Council advocates anti-cyclical investments in particular in research and innovation. Its recommendations are intended to provide orientation for the next government for implementing effective reforms in Austria while benefitting from the European Research Area.

The ERA Council recommendations can be summarised as follows:


    advancing the process of preparing a new RTI Strategy for Austria under full consideration of the outcome of the OECD Review of the Austrian RTI system carried out in 2018;


    strengthening the excellence of the science system by implementing the excellence initiative initiated by the previous government and improving the efficiency of the governance structures at universities;


    breaking through silos in order to implement a holistic policy in Austria by means of annual government RTI summits as well as by setting up an interministerial coordinating government body at the Federal Chancellery for planning and implementing RTI-governed Missions and Partnerships, and by strengthening long-term oriented capital funding for Missions;


    using strategic value chains for global competition by targeted linkages between Austrian RTI strengths relevant to industry with strategic EU value chains;


    promoting Austria as a location for science and research in Europe by setting up suitable platforms with a view to the importance of the global challenges in Horizon Europe and by setting up an Austrian Liaison Office for Austrian RTI players in Brussels. The ERA Council also calls on the Austrian government to set clear priorities in favour of education, research and innovation in the negotiations on the next EU budget (2021-2027) and supports tje EIC instruments for funding radically innovative technologies for new markets.


The ERA Council finally recommends that in its new RTI Strategy 2030. Austria adequately takes into account the future priorities for the national reforms for a European Research Area.

The ERA Council Recommendations are available in German.