Human Biomonitoring and PARC: from regional to international level
The event will provide insights into the topic of Human Biomonitoring, on a regional, national and European level.
The first day of the event will be dedicated to a closed meeting of experts in the context of the PARC Project, during which the various national hub contact points will share information and opinions regarding the status of the project.
The second day (5 June 2024) will be devoted to a public and plenary congress that will physically take place in Brussels. The day will be divided up into a morning and an afternoon programme. A number of national HBM initiatives will be highlighted during the morning session. Several countries, including Norway, Canada, Lithuania and Belgium, will provide an explanation of their Human Biomonitoring programmes. During the afternoon, plenary sessions will take place, in which an explanation will be provided of the way in which PARC (the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals) is contributing towards innovation and policy on chemical substances.