The Different Roles of Large and Small Member States in Horizon 2020
A study on "The Different Roles of Large and Small Member States in the Context of HORIZON 2020" was commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and published in April 2016.
The starting point was the apparently decreasing importance of smaller Member States compared to larger Member States as perceived by Austrian delegates in the Horizon 2020 Programme Committees. The study was carried out by Technopolis. The authors of the study could not systematically confirm the initial hypothesis with regard to the size of a country. They found that the reasons for this perceived decrease in importance was rather to be found in a marked change in the framework conditions in the world of European research policy, which had become effective above all since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and the start of the new Research Framework Programme Horizon 2020 in early 2014. In the light of these changes, the study makes recommendations for action for the future activity of Austrian delegates and other public players in the European Research Area.
The study is available in German only.