Innovation in the Blue Economy
The European Commission's Communication "Innovation in the Blue Economy" deals with realising the potential of our seas and oceans for jobs and growth.
In order to develop the potential of the blue economy in Europe, the European Commission proposes that Member States put in place policies and local solutions which effectively address barriers to innovation. In the context of the European semester, the Commission will make sure that the Member States' National Reform Plans mainstream policies reflect blue growth priorities. As a complementary action, the Commission will therefore examine how action at EU level can tackle the following issues that are specific to the blue economy:
– gaps in knowledge and data about the state of our oceans, seabed resources, marine life and risks to habitats and ecosystems;
– diffuse research efforts in marine and maritime science that hinder interdisciplinary learning and slow the progress of technological breakthroughs in key technologies and innovative business sectors;
– lack of scientists, engineers and skilled workers able to apply new technologies in the marine environment.
The Commission Communication "Innovation in the Blue Economy: Realising the potential of our seas and oceans for jobs and growth" sets out the Commission's plans for addressing these three issues.