Industrial Technologies and Materials for Sustainable Europe

02 Jun 2025
04 Jun 2025
Krakow, Poland
Polish EU Presidency

The EUIndTech2025 is the European Union's flagship event organised under the Polish presidency of the EU. It will take place from 2-4 June in Kraków and is a continuation of the cyclical flagship EU events: the Conference on Industrial Technologies (IndTech) and the Euro Nano Forum. The event brings together stakeholders from research organizations, industry, industry associations, NGOs, and policymakers to discuss the state-of-the-art technologies, technological challenges, and future trends in the field of industrial technologies.

EUIndtech2025 will focus on the following issues:

  • discussion the future trends  and industry development in EU
  • exchange knowledge and experiences, on conduction and financing research and investments supporting the transformation towards sustainable development
  • present activities supporting modern technological solutions, in particular digital, ecological, and circular ones
  • promotion of stakeholders, i.e. SMEs, start-up and spin-off
  • creating collaborative links between academics, professional practitioners and other stakeholders, i.e. cluster, association, etc.