Empowering Policy Makers with Informed Scientific Knowledge to Address the Climate Crisis

10 Nov 2021 10:00
10 Nov 2021 11:30

A panel of this type will bring home the value of international collaboration as well as the importance of drawing on local, regional, national and international expertise. It will highlight the need to increase global cooperation between the research community and policy makers and explore how research and innovation can most effectively inform decision-making on climate change. Coming so soon after the pandemic, it underlines the importance of policy makers and researchers working together in an exchange of objectives and knowledge in a timely way.

The panel’s deliberations will help to ensure that the right structures are in place to leverage expertise, capabilities and any new knowledge that can contribute to both practice and policy in times of crisis. Collectively, this working relationship underpins action taken at national and multi-national level at both COP26 and beyond.

The panel will discuss how best to mobilise scientific communities across the world in response to climate change. It will seek to accelerate action and encourage ‘political ambitions, tools, finance and coordination’ through debate. Finding solutions through shared best practice will enable rapid, robust, decisive, yet deliverable, action.

The programme can be found here.

If you are interested, please register here.