14 May 2024
MLE on roadmap to industrial decarbonisation presents its findings
The European Commission's Policy Support facility (PSF) has published the final report of its Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) for national roadmaps to Europe's industrial carbonisation. The MLE served as a platform for 12 participating countries to discuss their specific needs and interests, exchange experiences and knowledge about success factors and lessons learned and provide guidance to policy makers on how to develop or update their industrial technology roadmaps and sector-specific strategies for industrial decarbonisation.
The PSF exercise addressed the following topics:
- Overview of national industrial technology roadmaps and strategies for industrial decarbonisation;
- Policies, design and financing for R&I investments in development, uptake and deployment of low-carbon technologies;
- Actors’ engagement;
- Framework conditions (regulatory framework, permits for demonstrators and ‘first-of-a-kind’ pilots, IPR, technology infrastructures, knowledge and data).
The participating countries have developed key recommendations, including expanding and strengthening industrial decarbonisation across Europe.
For more information:
Mutual learning for national roadmaps to Europe's industrial decarbonisation - Final Report