13 May 2024
EUA publishes response to consultation on dual-use technologies
The European University Association (EUA) has published its response to the European Commission's public consultation on a White Paper on options for enhancing support for research and development involving technologies with dual-use potential. The White Paper had been published in January 2024.
In response to the White Paper, the EUA argues that this initiative reflects the growing importance of dual use in a challenging geopolitical context and resonates with wider debates on security within the research and innovation sector.
The EUA stresse that as key actors in this sector, universities play a leading role as both producers of knowledge and developers and adopters of solutions to major societal challenges, including security and resilience. Each of the three options outlined in the White Paper can facilitate this role in distinct ways, and EUA has closely examined their respective implications for universities. However, due to the lack of impact assessments to substantiate the options and their merits, the association states it would be premature to express a preference. The many unknowns surrounding the topic of dual use mean that the White Paper gives only a limited indication of what universities can expect from future EU programmes. As such, EUA has chosen to pinpoint some aspects that require further elaboration from the Commission.
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