20 Sep 2024
PSF Country Finland is kicked-off

On 20 September 2024, the PSF (Policy Support Facility) Country Finland was kicked-off. PSF Country (formerly PSF Peer Reviews & Specific support to countries) is an in-depth assessments of a country's Research & Innovation system carried out by a panel of experts and peers, leading to actionable policy recommendations to the national authorities on reforms necessary to strengthen their R&I system.
The PSF Country Finland is conducted to analyse and address the barriers hindering public-private collaboration within Finland’s research and innovation (R&I) ecosystem. It aims to explore the obstacles that could hinder such collaboration, and to identify areas for improvement supported by concrete recommendations.
More specifically, the PSF review will focus on the following questions:
- What kinds of barriers can be identified in terms of R&D collaboration between HEIs, public sector, companies and public research institutions in Finland?
- What would be the most efficient ways to encourage public-private R&D collaboration through public R&D funding and other policy measures?
- Are there barriers to increase collaboration?
- What kind of collaboration forms should be enhanced in order to advance the increasing productivity, transforming business and industry and development of Finnish society?
The main expected outcome of the exercise is a report which, based on an analysis of the current situation and challenges will present and detail a set of concrete operational recommendations.
A Fact Sheet can be downloaded here: