Informal ERAC Meeting 8-9 October 2023


The next meeting of ERAC will take place on October 8-9 2023 in Málaga, Spain.


  1. Opening of the informal meeting by the ERAC co-Chairs and adoption of the agenda
  2. Information points:
    - Updates by the Co-Chairs
    - IHSM Presentation by the IHSM-CSIC Director
    - Updates from the current and incoming Presidencies (ES, BE, HU)
    - Update from the ERAC Task Force on "Guidance for the next Framework Programme for R&I” (report from the Task - Force co-chairs)
  3. Exchange of views on the next ERA Policy Agenda 2025-2027
  4. The twin transitions and ERAC's role in achieving it:
    - Presentation by the Finnish delegation
    - Exchange of views
  5. Any other business